Stateless Fragments consists of more than 150 works made between 2019 and 2024. The project started in 2019, with works on paper in A3-format, after an invitation to a traveling exhibition, Velvet Ropes, organized by GIFC. From 2021 the project has developed and mostly paintings, but also sculptures have been added.

The works are built up by symbols borrowed from flags of stateless nations and temporary groups. Before applied to the canvas, the symbols have been digitally processed and printed in a variety of sizes. Later they have been placed into groups of what they appear.

The motifs of the paintings often play with an imaginary picture of nature, with mountains and forests as the center of attention. Meanwhile, the paintings want to challenge the visuals of what is perceived as two- or three dimensional, just like arcade games from the late 80s and early 90s. 

Some of the paintings are painted in layers, often with a backdrop of yellow ochre which shines through, while some are painted with monochrome fields of color which meet each other with what appear to be straight lines but with a closer look seem slightly skew to create a bit of friction. 

All of the included works in the series are titled Stateless Fragments followed by # and the number in which order they have been made.