PS: Corona Portraits consists of several paintings based on self taken photographies from the spring of 2020 in Berlin, which at that point were in lockdown due to the corona virus. One were not allowed to spend time outdoors with more than one other person which made people photographing/documenting other people breaking that law and posting their pictures online in Facebook groups.
The fascination of seeing an image of an anonymous person spending time with some friends in a park which now led to polarized discussions, partly about the act to upload the images online and partly about the situation that were made me interested in trying to copy the behavior from both ends.
I went out with a long lens camera and photographed people without their knowledge. The pictures were edited to a point were the faces almost became digitally made illustrations, where the anonymous person became even more anonymous. These templates were later used in the transformation from digital image to painting.
All of the paintings measure 40x30 cm / 16x12 inches each.
Oil on canvas. 2020.
Documentation from the exhibition at Casinot.XXH in 2021.